Friday, January 16, 2015

9 months old!

It was a very Merry Christmas and the New Year is off to a great start with our little nine month old baby! We have been blessed to spend time with many of our family members this past month and are missing those we haven't seen in awhile. Angela and I had a great time over our Christmas break while Matt was working hard and putting in a lot of long hours. It is still hard to get used to his long hours over the holidays, but we so appreciate his hard work!
For Christmas Eve, Angela and I were able to spend time with Matt's family {while he worked}. Angela was all dressed up and had a great time with some of her grandparents, great grandparents, aunts, and cousins! 
On Christmas day, we stayed home and Angela was blessed to get to see all of her grandparents as well as some of her aunties, an uncle, and more cousins! It was a nice day with both sides of our family, though we sure missed all of the great grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins we didn't get to spend the day with.
Having family on opposite sides of the state has been difficult, but thankfully our families are always able to make it work. We appreciate the time we are able to spend with all of them.
Angela had so many presents to open and it was amazing to be blessed with so many thoughtful and generous gifts!
In other Angela news, she just had her 9 month check-up and her pediatrician again complimented her adorable personality and what a doll she is! She is doing great and has a lot going on this month as she fights off yet another cold, has teeth working on coming in, and continues to try to master crawling, pulling herself up, and taking those first steps. Though she isn't crawling yet, it is amazing how far she can move around! She loves playing on the floor with her toys and seeing how far she can travel. The Christmas tree was one travel challenge she mastered!
{She started about three feet back from where she is in this picture}

Determined to get there!
 Made it!
 She played for quite a while under the tree, so proud of herself!

Angela is at the 92nd percentile for her length at 29 inches long. Due to multiple factors at play, her weight at this doctor's visit was a little lower than anticipated. She weighed 20 pounds 2 ounces, at the 74th percentile. It has been a great week and I'm certain she's already gained weight since her appointment earlier this week! Angela is wearing 9-12 month sized clothes and is seriously just so much fun!
She seems to have new sounds that she makes on a weekly basis. This week it has been "La La La La La" as she rolls her tongue on her upper teeth. She has been great at the "Ddd" and "Baa" sounds for awhile. She squeals a lot and loves to wave! Reading books and looking at the jungle animals on the wall in her room are some of her favorites lately. 

Angela is a pretty social, easy-going, happy baby!

She loves being in her stroller!
 She also loves playing with her little doll stroller!

 Always a great time in the high chair as she eats baby food and samples table food!

Angela always sleeps on her back, but lately we have come into her room to find her turned around and trying to crawl around her crib! Silly girl!

 One of Angela's Christmas presents was a Case tractor and trailer!

One of her favorite toys has been the boxes some of her gifts came in!

  Loves to jump!


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