Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A Four Month Old Baby.


Our sweet little girl is already four months old! It has been a wonderful month here. We have had great summer weather and a lot of sunshine. Angela is enjoying going on walks with her mom and the dogs, excited to start watching pre-season football with her dad, and taking in the great world she lives in. She had her four month check-up today and her doctor said she is doing great!

Here's what's going on in Angie's world!

Sleeping... a little less, but still pretty well. She wakes up a couple times throughout the night to eat most of the time, but usually goes back to sleep pretty easily. Last night she only woke up once and her mama definitely appreciated it!

Eating... still only breast milk. She is usually a great eater!

Playing... more and more lately! She has recently started grabbing for her toys and holding onto them a little better. She wants to put everything in her mouth but has a hard time with that still.

Napping...  every few hours still.

Sounding... very silly. She makes a lot of cooing noises and even has a new sound that is a high pitched squeal! She likes to scream and coo and "sing" while she plays!

Acting... usually very happy! She has had some grumpy periods lately, but she is generally a happy little girl.

Traveling... like a champion! We have not been traveling much, but she is a trooper about going for car rides to the grocery store, for a walk, to church, etc.

Growing... like crazy!! She is such a big girl! She measured 26 inches long today, which is the 96th percentile! She is currently weighing in at a whopping 17 lbs 5 oz!! She is in the 99th percentile for her weight!

Developing... so well! She is starting to try to roll over. She can get from her back to her side and is starting to act like she wants to turn over when she is on her tummy. She holds her head up, spends more and more time content in tummy time, is starting to enjoy toys more, and loves to sit up with support! She can also straighten her legs and "stand" for a minute when you're holding her.

Wearing...  6 month sized clothes. She has such great clothes that we have received as gifts and is so much fun to dress up!

Interacting... with smiles! She is also giggling a little bit, which is the cutest thing ever!

Looking... like her dad from what most people say. A lot of people also say she looks like Grandpa Mike. Her eyes look brown to me and she has a fair amount of hair, though it is hard to tell what color it will be - probably some variation of strawberry blonde is my guess.

Moving... so much more! She does not like to sit still! She is usually kicking her legs and she moves in a half circle while playing on the floor sometimes.

Here are many pictures from Angela's fourth month of life!

I set her down on the couch for a second and she quickly took control of the remote!

 She is loving her Bumbo seat!

Being silly instead of taking a nap!

 Little cowgirl.
 Sleeping in her swing and holding onto Donald Duck!

 Loving to jump and play!
 Chatting with her cousin!
 Sleeping in my arms! This is such a treat now as she doesn't fall asleep when we are holding her as much anymore.

 Angela's first wedding reception!
 Fun times after a bath!
 Getting so much stronger and enjoying tummy time more and more!

 So much fun to play dress-up!
Chewing on her fingers!
So much fun to sit up with the Boppy!


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