Thursday, December 18, 2014

8 months old!

Angela is now over 8 months old and time is flying!! Her first Christmas season is upon us and
we are reminded every day of just how blessed we are. As this year comes to an end and I reflect on the past twelve months, I am amazed at how much my life has changed! I can't wait to see what God has in store for us in 2015.

Here is the update of what Angela is up to these days.. much better!! {everyone reading this, please knock on wood!} Up until the past two weeks, Angela was still waking up several times a night and usually eating a couple of times at night. For quite a while now, she has been fairly easy to put to sleep, but staying asleep has been a different story! I reread some of the books I had been given regarding babies and sleep. Matt and I spent a weekend really working on Angela's sleep schedule. Thankfully, Matt did almost all of the work the first night. The second night went amazing, the third night was rough, and since then it has gone fairly well. She is currently fighting a cold, so that is not helping any of us, but overall I am super happy with how well this has worked. Thank you, Baby Whisperer! Even though she still has yet to stay asleep all night long, she no longer eats at night and most of the time, she is able to put her pacifier back in and go back to sleep on her own. It may just be the cutest thing to watch on the video monitor!

Eating...has always been easy for this little one! much now! She seems to have a different toy she prefers each day. As you can see in the photos, she has no lack of toys!

Napping...three times a day still.

Sounding...silly and chatty all the time! She is very vocal and likes making "ba, blah, ra, ga" sounds and making lots of spitting noises too. Her laugh is adorable!

Acting... usually very content and happy.

Traveling... so well! She is always a trooper!

Growing...too fast! She is in 9 month sized clothes and already looking too long for some of her 9 month footy pajamas.

Developing... into such a bright, smiley, beautiful girl!

Interacting... with everyone! She loves kids and dogs and usually laughs at our cats.

Moving... in circles on the ground and backwards. The only way she moves forward is when she's sitting up. Sometimes she seems eager to crawl and gets on her hands and knees, but has yet to crawl forward. I am okay with it as I enjoy knowing she stays in the general area of where I set her down!

 Cheering... for the Seahawks, of course!

 Thank you, Aunt Leona, for the beautiful headband!
Here are some other pictures from the past couple of months:
 At Colbi's baby shower.

 Riding Buddie with Aunt Jill's assistance

 Always helping Dad get ready for work in the morning!
 Jeep girl. She has already driven both of our Jeeps!
 She had fun helping Dad make deliveries on Halloween.
 Hanging out with mama!

  Already in charge of the remote.

And here is a video of Angela and Rosie having some fun.
Thanks for reading!
Merry Christmas, everyone!! Happy birthday, Jesus!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

6 Months Old!

 Our precious 6 month old baby!
It has been a big month in our household as Angela turned six months old! It has been a month of firsts, including first tastes of solid food, sitting up, moving backwards on her tummy, first cold :(, first rodeo, and mommy's first time back to work since Angela was born.
I'm now working part-time at an elementary school in my same district and I am enjoying it, though it is a big transition for us and  I miss her while I'm at work! I am meeting many wonderful individuals and working on getting into the swing of things!
Here's what Angela is up to these days:

Sleeping...This really depends on the night and what's going on. She still hasn't slept all through the night, but when all is going well, she usually only averages two wake-ups a night. Recently, she's been fighting a cold and other tummy issues and these have really been interfering with her {and our!} sleep!

Eating...solid foods now!! She has had peas, carrots, prunes, oatmeal cereal, and rice cereal so far. I'm looking forward to making my own baby food in the near future, but haven't gotten to that yet. She is enjoying sampling these new foods!!

Playing... so much more! She is starting to get into everything and is finding her toys more and more exciting!!!

Napping... for shorter amounts of time, but still pretty well.

Sounding... so silly! She is very vocal and loves making a variety of noises! It is too cute!

Acting... very alert and happy most of the time. She giggles and smiles most of the time! She usually gives many "warning sounds" before crying now.

Traveling... in a new car seat! She is outgrowing her infant seat already, so we upgraded to a new car seat and she seems much more comfortable. We will probably still use her infant seat some, but she is 2.75 inches from the maximum height and she is starting to seem pretty cramped in it! She now has the Graco 4-in-1, which I hope was worth it! Thankfully, we were blessed to be gifted many gift cards to Babies R Us and they were a big help with the car seat purchase!

Growing... so much!! At her 6 month appointment, she was up to 27.25 inches long, which is the 95th percentile! Her weight was in the 94th percentile at 18 lbs 13 oz.

Developing... right on track from what we can tell! She is such a strong and alert little girl. She is enjoying sitting up on her own now and sometimes lunges forward on to her stomach if a kitty or some other exciting object is in front of her. When she's on her tummy, she moves backwards in a worm-like motion and can turn in a circle.

Wearing...6-9 month clothes. Her 6 month clothes still fit, but some are starting to get snug and she is fitting into her 9 month clothes already. Thank goodness she has a great wardrobe courtesy of our amazing friends and family!

Interacting... with just about everyone! She has become very aware of and curious about our pets. She usually laughs at the cats and has already grabbed a tail and pulled a great deal of hair! Those cats are learning to steer clear! She likes the dogs and they seem to like her too.

Moving... always! Babyproofing time!

She moved backwards so far that she got stuck :]
Here are some other pictures from Angela's 6th month of life:

Angela's first rodeo was the Pendleton Round-Up, where Auntie Jilly ran the second fastest barrel run of the day!

 Next stop was in Heppner to meet Aunt Brooke, Kyler, and Lincoln!
It has been a month of great visits with great people!

 Great Grandpa Ernie and cousin Mason!
Great Grandma Irene! 

 Great Auntie Donna!

Some beautiful pictures captured by Aunt Donna:
 Love these hands!

Happy Halloween!