Monday, July 21, 2014

A Three Month Old Baby.

As I write this, Angela is actually 14 weeks. Time is flying and she is such a blast! We have so much fun with her! I am still finding it difficult to accomplish much during the day, but I have decided that time spent with her is what's important! She is a very loved little girl, with a big loving family on both sides!
 Angela was dressed up for the 4th of July! No loud fireworks for her this year, but hopefully next year!
 My friend Colbi got us this cute Case International shirt that says "Have you hugged a farmer today?" It makes her think of her Grandpa Mike!
 These pictures were taken the day she turned three months old, July 11!
 We went to  a lake near Monroe with friends and Angela held her bonnet down while trying to get some sleep!
A photo from this weekend in Chelan! I just love this outfit!

Here is a summary of what Angela is up to these days: much better! She has slept a 7 hour stretch about five times. She wakes up about two times a night usually to eat, but then goes back to sleep. We are so proud and thankful! a champion! She weighs in at over 16 pounds now! She still eats about every 3-4 hours during the day.

Playing...with toys more. She enjoys her play mat and grabs the toys and holds onto them now. She also plays briefly in her exersaucer and jumper now. She can hold onto teethers and rattles if you put them in her hands. She wants to bring them to her mouth but has a hard time getting and keeping them there. She loves playing with people the most!

Napping...very well usually! She is usually awake for 1.5-2 hours between naps and her naps last anywhere from a half hour to over 2 hours!

Sounding... silly! She makes lots of noises now!

Acting...happy and content most of the time! a pro! She has gone on two long car rides now, one to Plummer, ID and one to Chelan. She does great in the car! Sometimes she gets fussy when we are running errands, but it is understandable as the car is not moving long enough to get into a sound sleep. a weed! Her arms, legs, and feet are long!

Developing...right on track from what we can tell! She opens and closes her hands more, likes having her hands in her mouth, can grab objects better, holds her head up well, and is getting better at tummy time.

Wearing...a few 3 month outfits, but mostly 3-6 or 6 month clothing! She has a great wardrobe thanks to the generosity of our friends and family!

Interacting...with lots of smiles! She giggles too now!

Looking...adorable! Her eyes seem to be brown now. Her hair is growing and it is hard to tell what color it will be. It has a reddish blonde tint to it.

Moving...her arms and legs like crazy!

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