Monday, July 21, 2014

A Bit of Perspective.

Sometimes I catch the self-pity bug. Sometimes my problems feel huge and I find myself complaining, and "venting," and feeling just plain overwhelmed. This has been happening recently more than I care to admit. However, a lot has happened over the past few days, which has me deep in thought. This has provided quite the shift in perspective.

Our great state of Washington is currently raging with wildfires, which has me thinking a lot about the devastation people are experiencing. Especially in north central Washington, the Carlton Complex wildfire ravaged the community of Pateros and has taken homes, businesses, structures, power lines, livestock, and much more in the entire area. Many families are displaced and many others are living without power or in fear of the fire taking their homes. I am deep in thought about what that would be like for any of those individuals ranging from those who lost it all to those fearing that the fire will get to them. I am deep in thought about the pets, livestock, and wildlife that are displaced or dead. I am also deep in thought and filled with gratitude for those risking their lives and working around the clock to try to slow this fire down and save lives and structures.

Driving through a bit of north central Washington this weekend, I was looking at the very high, steep hills full of trees and brush and just trying to imagine how the firefighters are doing it. I think about the many officials who are having to make tough decisions, evacuation notices, and report to the public. I think about the people running emergency shelters, meals, and managing donations and giving. There are more people impacted than I could ever realize. And so I pray for them. I pray for their safety, health, healing, and rebuilding. I pray that those who have found God would be comforted and experience His peace. I know God is also with those who do not know Him and I pray that this tragedy would be made better by more people coming to know and count on Him, realizing they need a greater power than man could ever have. My heart also breaks knowing that in these tragedies, some people lose their hope in God. They respond to the grief and pain with blame and anger. I understand how the deep pain they are experiencing could lead to this and I just pray that they would instead see just how much we need our Savior, Jesus.

While fires rage across the state from Leavenworth to Spokane and everywhere in between, we came home last night to the lights of a fire truck and ambulance next door to us. That eerie feeling grew worse as I realized something was very, very wrong at our neighbor's house. I was not sure what to do - if it would be appropriate to walk over and show my support or if I would just be in the way. This morning, another neighbor knocked on the door in tears to let me know that this man who has been sick for over two years just lost his life to a brain aneurism. Heartbreaking. I know this man loves God and I believe he is no longer in pain, but is now in Heaven. But I can't imagine the pain his wife, children, family members, and friends are experiencing. They have been such kind neighbors and I just feel terrible for what his wife is going through.

In the very small world I live in, pain and grief are everywhere. Friends and family members as well as acquaintances and strangers are getting bad news, having their hearts broken, and experiencing trauma everyday. I am comforted by knowing that, "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." (Psalm 34:18)

Unfortunately, we know that life on this earth will be filled with pain. People and circumstances are going to hurt us. Our health may fail. Someone may break our hearts. We will lose those we love deeply. We may make one bad decision that will cost us greatly. Or we will be that person sitting idly by  wondering what is next and when such tragedy will strike in his or her own personal life, as I am today. And so, we must choose to live in the moment, to be thankful when our own lives are full of peace and joy, and to praise God for our blessings. In John 16:33, Jesus says, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."  Thank goodness we have a Savior.

As I type this, I look at my beautiful daughter peacefully sleeping in her crib, think of my wonderful husband out working hard to provide for us, and thank God for my parents finishing up their wheat harvest successfully and the hard work they've always done. Though the crop was disappointing due to frost damage, they didn't have a big wheat fire or have the combine engine go out, and for that, I am thankful. And I remember that though this life isn't perfect, and though we are assured we will have problems in this world, we also get to experience many blessings, and we have a Savior who gave His life for the forgiveness of our sins and for our salvation. Though it can be hard, I must say, life is pretty good.

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