Monday, September 15, 2014

Five Months Old!

Time sure flies when you're having fun! Angela turned five months old last week!! Where has time gone? This precious baby is becoming so much more observant, inquisitive, and coordinated!  She is at such a fun age!

Sleeping...was a sore subject most of this month but is starting to get better, thank goodness!! She was waking up frequently most of the month, but has been down to one or two wake-ups per night again lately and I am thrilled!

Eating...great as always! She is one hungry little girl and is growing so well!

Playing...more and more! She is starting to actually play with her toys! She can hold them, pick them up, and sometimes get them into her mouth. She is loving toys more and more each day! She loves her taggie blankets {thank you Colbi and Stacey!}, musical toys {thanks Mom and Aunt Donna!}, and is getting better at figuring out her many teethers. She still finds her playmat pretty exciting and is getting more enjoyment out of her jumper and exersaucer. I set up the high chair recently so she could have a tray to hold her toys while she is playing!

Napping...for shorter periods of time. I am trying to get better again at following a routine and it is helping! such a silly little girl. She is quite vocal! She coos and squeals and giggles! much more grown up and super mellow most of the time. She is always looking around, taking it all in! such a little trooper. We made a trip over to Eastern Washington and Angela travelled like a champ.

Growing...and growing and growing!

Developing...well! She began rolling over at about four and a half months. She rolls from front to back pretty frequently and has rolled from her back to front once. She started sitting up better this month and can sit up unsupported for a brief amount of time, though she still needs a spotter! Angela also found her cute little toes and is enjoying reaching for them!

Wearing...six month or six-nine month sized clothes!! She has been gifted such cute clothes!

Interacting...more and more! It is too cute! such a pretty little girl!

Moving...a lot! The days of holding her while she sits still are coming to an end, I fear!

Other highlights:
Angela was able to spend time with a lot of family members on both sides this past month! She was blessed to get to see many of her grandparents and great-grandparents, aunts, cousins, etc. She is a loved little girl!

 Using her highchair for a toy tray!

 Working hard on learning to sit up!

 We hiked to Wallace Falls a couple weekends ago. Angela enjoyed being packed around in the Ergo by both of us!

 Rosie was ready to wait for the bus.

Since she turned five months old, Angela has already gone on a big road trip to watch her Aunt Jill run in the Pendleton Round-Up and visited lots of other important people! More on that in next month's post!

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